The Local Enterprise Office financial supports are targeted at projects in manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors employing ten or less people. To qualify for grant aid the promoters must demonstrate that:
- The project is in the commercial sphere and is capable of obtaining economic viability without ongoing Exchequer or EU assistance
- The project is in manufacturing or internationally traded services
- There is a market for the proposed product or service
- Adequate overall finance will be available to fund the project
- The person, group or company possesses the management and technical capacity to implement the proposed project
- The project has the capacity to create new direct employment either full- or part-time or seasonal
- The number of full-time employees does not exceed ten people
- The business activity is located and operational within the Wicklow geographical area
Projects will not be assisted where projects are :
- In areas of enterprise that there is already sufficient firms participating and the proposal would lead to job displacement elsewhere
- In areas of enterprise on the EU and National Sensitive Lists
- In areas of enterprise coming under other schemes or operational programmes
- Contrary to national policy
- Involving primary agricultural production
- Where investment is in mobile assets
- In the area of retail, wholesale, distribution, professional services and personal services (please note that while these business are not eligible to apply for priming grants or business expansion grants, they are eligible to apply for the Trading Online Voucher Scheme)
If a project does not qualify for grant aid, it may still avail of other assistance. In fact, a wide range of non-financial supports are available to businesses regardless of whether or not they qualify for grant assistance. These services are geared specifically to the needs of small Wicklow-based businesses. These include advice, information and management training.