Greystones Marina

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Environmental News - Debris Clean Up -  South Wicklow Coastline

Friday 28 October 2022

Environmental News - Debris Clean Up - South Wicklow Coastline

Following the lightning strike on the wind turbine within the Arklow offshore wind farm, Ambipar Response (Ireland) Ltd, has been engaged by GE Renewable Energy to assist with the response and recovery operation.

The primary objective of this operation is to ensure that any debris from the event that comes ashore is removed safety and efficiently.

Recovery crews are active on beaches in the local area undertaking surveys and clean-up operations.

If you find debris on the beaches around the coast, please report it to the dedicated Clean-up Hot Line:

087-2079013 or email


Over the bank holiday weekend clean up crews will be working on the following beaches / coastal areas

·       Arklow Habour

·       Brittas Beach

·       Greystones


For your safety, do not attempt to remove the items yourself, but if you can let us know where you have found it and how much there is, our teams will be along to remove it as quickly as possible. While the debris is not harmful it is best not to touch it, to ensure everyone stays accident free.

GE Renewable Energy very much appreciated your assistance and cooperation.




