If you are relocating or starting a new business in Wicklow there are a range of state agencies that can offer assistance and support. The best agency to work with depends on the size of your company and the markets in which you operate.
Local Enterprise Office
The Local Enterprise Office (LEO), located in Wicklow County Campus, Rathnew, County Wicklow, is the first stop shop for anyone looking for information on relocating, starting or growing a business in Co. Wicklow. The LEO has protocols in place with key agencies such as Revenue, Department of Social Protection, education and training boards, Skillnets, Microfinance Ireland and the Credit Review Office to ensure you have easy access to all government supports.
Phone: (0404) 30800
Email: enterprise@leo.wicklowcoco.ie
Web: www.localenterprise.ie/Wicklow
IDA Ireland
As Ireland’s foreign direct investment agency, IDA Ireland provides a range of financial supports and services and sectoral expertise to help foreign companies and investors establish or expand their operations in Ireland.
Phone: (01) 603 4000
Email: idaireland@ida.ie
Web: www.idaireland.com
Enterprise Ireland
Enterprise Ireland (EI) is the state agency organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. Working with high potential entrepreneurs, established business (over 10 employees) and Irish multinational companies, EI helps business to grow, innovate and win export sales.
Phone: (01) 727 2000
Email: client.service@enterprise-ireland.com
Web: www.enterprise-ireland.com