The National Built Heritage Service (NBHS), Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage has just announced the launch of the 2025 Conservation Advice Scheme for Vacant Traditional Houses. The Conservation Advice Grant Scheme for Vacant Traditional Houses is an expanded funding scheme to provide grants for expert conservation advice to owners of vacant traditional houses who are availing of, or considering, the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant. The Conservation Advice Grant Scheme provides grants to cover 67% of the costs (up to a maximum grant of €5,000) of having a conservation expert with proven and appropriate expertise:
· visit a vacant or derelict traditional building
· conduct a survey, and
· compile tailored conservation advice for the property owner.
This expert advice will include a report which outlines the condition of the building and identifies conservation improvements which would restore it to use while enhancing its character, energy efficiency, integrity, and amenity.
Stream 1 of the scheme is open to owners of vacant traditional houses in villages, towns and cities where the building is a Protected Structure and/or an historic structure within an Architectural Conservation Area. Buildings previously used for commercial purposes also qualify for the scheme where the intended use is as a single dwelling or a single dwelling over a shop.
Stream 2 of the scheme will provide grant support for the provision of expert conservation advice to private owners of vacant traditional farmhouses, where the building one of the following:
1. A farmhouse which is a Protected Structure.
2. An historic farmhouse located within a rural Architectural Conservation Area.
3. A vernacular farmhouse that has no statutory protection.
Vernacular farmhouses comprise modest homes constructed by people without formal training following long established folk traditions, using materials such as thatch, stone, slate, earth, wattle and unsawn timber.
The aim of the scheme is to help owners of traditionally constructed houses to understand the heritage value and potential of these structures and to prompt them to consider investments which could protect and enhance that value.
The deadline for application is the 2nd May 2025, only eligible and fully completed applications will be accepted. Please note that as this is a competitive application process, only the highest scoring projects will be chosen in line with the available funding budget. Unsuccessful applications will not be carried through to any subsequent approved grant scheme. All applications will be assessed under the following criteria:
· Heritage interest of the building
· Vernacular interest: Please note that only Vernacular buildings will score under this category.
· Reuse potential of the building
· Demonstrated experience of chosen Conservation Professional - in particular in relation to historic buildings, vernacular buildings and energy upgrading
· Best value for money of costings provided
Please see the following link for further information and relevant documentation: - Conservation Advice Grant Scheme for Vacant Traditional Houses
Application forms can be accessed here: - Conservation Advice Grant Scheme for Vacant Traditional Houses