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LEAN For Business Support for SMES Explained at Breakfast Seminar

Thursday 6 March 2025

LEAN For Business Support for SMES Explained at Breakfast Seminar

As part of the countrywide Local Enterprise Week 2025, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) business owners gathered at Clermont House in Rathnew to learn about the 'LEAN' initiative. This program, available through the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Wicklow, is funded by the Government of Ireland in partnership with Enterprise Ireland and local authorities. LEAN is a Japanese business methodology designed to improve efficiency and enable business owners to focus more on increasing sales.

Louise Fleming, Senior Enterprise Development Officer, opened the event and introduced the three guest speakers. John McDonald from Refine Consulting Ltd. began by explaining the principles of LEAN and detailing the offer from LEO Wicklow, which includes five half-days of free consultancy on the topic for small businesses in County Wicklow. Following this, two local business owners shared their experiences with LEAN: Daibhid Corish from Pinecone Coffee and James Connolly from Knockrobin Glamping, both located in Rathnew.

Vibeke Delahunt, Head of Enterprise at LEO Wicklow, facilitated a question-and-answer session and encouraged eligible small businesses to apply for this support. She stated, “LEAN is a fantastic way to identify waste and inefficiencies in your business, with the guidance of a LEAN consultant appointed by LEO Wicklow. We are delighted to be able to offer this support at no cost to you in 2025.”

Emer O’Gorman, Chief Executive of Wicklow County Council, has long supported the LEAN initiative. She commented, “Wicklow County Council is here to support you every step of the way in achieving significant cost reductions and increased sales through your participation in this LEAN Programme.”

The event saw a diverse range of businesses in attendance, including those in financial services, coaching, software, hospitality, and retail. Delicious catering was provided by local entrepreneur Thea Kinsella of Maidin Catering in Rathnew.

For more information on how to engage with LEO Wicklow, whether you are in the pre-start, start-up, or growth phases of your business, visit or call the LEO team at 0404 30800.

