Date: Tuesday 6th February,
Location: Mermaid Arts Centre
Time: 7.30-10 pm.
Curated by visual artist Jonna Kidney and writer Philip St John, The Wicklow Artists Salon is an artist-run event exploring important themes affecting artists and cultural practitioners in the county and beyond. Each salon hosts a moderated conversation with invited guest artists that then opens out to a discussion with attendees in a friendly, inclusive atmosphere. It is funded by Wicklow Arts Office, and supported by Mermaid Arts Centre, The Courthouse Arts Centre and Killruddery House.
With the help of four exciting guests, in our next event Wicklow Artists Salon will be looking at creative flow. What is flow? And what is happening from a neurochemical perspective?
Visual artist and executive coach Theresa Nanigian will explore these questions and suggest how we might access this enormously powerful state in our work and life.
Dancer and body-based creative practitioner Joan Davis will explore with us embodiment and creative flow.
Emma Matthews, from Minding Creative minds will tell us about the effects of stress on flow. What is stress? How do we recognise it? What can we do to reduce it?
Acclaimed poet and playwright Colm Keegan will read from his work and tell us about his experience of flow both as an artist and facilitator.
As always there will be time for a group discussion and an informal chat over tea and coffee.
Book today HERE
Further info on the speakers:
Emma Matthews, Psychotherapist and member of the Board of Directors of Minding Creative Minds, https://mindingcreativeminds.ie/
Joan Davis, dancer and body based practitioner, www.gorsehill.net and www.gardenasgallery.com
Theresa Nanigian, artist and executive and life coach
Colm Keegan, poet and playwright