Wicklow County Council would like to invite proposals for a site specific Per Cent for Art commission for the N81 Corridor at the realigned Knockroe Bends. The N81 Knockroe Bends is located on the N81 south of Hollywood Cross at the junction with the local road L8314. The project consists of a realignment of the N81 over a distance of 0.85km, in County Wicklow, Ireland.

Location Map HERE
This project is being commissioned by Wicklow County Council’s Arts Office and is funded by the National Roads Authority through Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Housing and Local Government. Artist(s) are asked to respond to this scenic and elevated site which is nestled in the tree lined road- side surrounded by rolling hills. Unlike many roadside Public Art sites, the location of this particular site offers vantage points for passing vehicular and recreational traffic to experience the work at a close proximity to the road itself.
Wicklow County Council Arts Office is seeking proposals for an imaginative and contemporary sculptural work which capitalises on the natural beauty of the landscape and the built environment of the many historic towns and villages along the N81 route.
Application Process Summary
This is an open call for a two-stage competition. Stage 2 will require more extensive work on the proposal for final selection and the award of the commission.
At Stage 1 shortlisting will take place and up to four applicants will be invited to submit for a final second stage. At stage 2 further details of how the sculpture will be developed, installed and engineered will be required as well as a final budget. The four applicants selected to progress will be paid a fee of €400.00 each to progress their ideas to be presented for final selection.
Selection Panel
Stages 1 and 2 will be overseen by the same panel. This panel will be comprised of specialists in the field of public art, Wicklow County Council’s Arts Officer, a Senior Engineer from WCC, the Director of Services for the Baltinglass Municipal District Area and the Director of Services for the Department of Community Cultural and Social Development from WCC.
The budget available for the successful artist(s) for the commission is €100,000.00. This budget is final and includes all costs for materials, artistic and professional fees, VAT, health and safety and groundwork requirements as well as installation costs.
Stage 1
- Stage 1 applications are due on Wednesday 23rd November 2022 by 4.00pm
Stage 2
- Stage 2 applications are due on Thursday 22nd December by 4.00pm
Artist Notified:
- The final outcome will be communicated to artists by 12th January 2023
Delivery of Commission:
- It is expected that the commission will be delivered by the start of quarter 2, 2023
Commission proposals must be received via the eTenders website https://www.etenders.gov.ie.
Further information and supporting documentation can be found HERE
Late and / or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Information Contact
Information requests will be managed through www.etenders.ie or by emailing karan@ktcl.ie