On 23rd February 2023, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media Catherine Martin TD and Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O’Brien TD announced the roll out of 31 new Local Authority Culture and Creativity Strategies 2023-2027 at an event at Farmleigh in the Phoenix Park.
The announcement was supported with performances by Traces Dance Collective from Waterford and a multi- generational orchestra from Wicklow.
The new strategies reflect the creative ambitions of communities around the country which will be supported by the Creative Ireland Programme 2023-2027. There will be a greater focus on health and wellbeing, creative industries, climate action, the development of the Irish language and social sustainability. Priority will also be given to develop creative opportunities for marginalised communities and those at risk of disadvantage.
Last year the local authority Culture and Creativity teams reviewed the original strategies that were devised in 2017 and made changes that reflected the evolving priorities of their communities. Each team incorporated contributions from community stakeholders that will encourage people to engage, participate and enable their creative potential.
In 2017, the Creative Ireland Programme outlined a commitment to provide everyone in Ireland the opportunity to realise their full creative potential. To realise this ambition each local authority devised a Culture and Creativity strategy that was specifically developed to meet the needs of their communities. These strategies were devised by Culture and Creativity teams that included arts officers, heritage officers, librarians, museums and gallery curators and led by a local Creative Ireland Coordinator.
Commenting on the work undertaken by the 31 local authority Culture and Creativity teams Minister Catherine Martin said. Your teams are the key strength of the Creative Communities initiative and the engine that drives our collective efforts. The agility of the local authority teams has facilitated a collaborative and flexible approach to reshaping how creativity and culture is valued within and across local authorities. Through the Creative Ireland Programme, my Department will continue to work with collaborators across Government to activate the power of creativity in every community..
Between 2017-22 Creative Ireland allocated €29.8 million to support thousands of local authority initiatives that have unlocked a national ecosystem of creativity. The 31 Local Authority Culture and Creative Strategies have been key to the successful delivery of creative opportunities directly into communities. This year Ministers Martin and O’Brien announced funding of €6.1 million for the 2023 Creative Ireland Programme Creative Communities initiative.
Reiterating Minister Martin’s praise, Minster Darragh O’Brien I would like to sincerely thank all of the Culture and Creativity teams in our Local Authorities who have been working hard in recent months to drive the key ambitions in the Creative Ireland programme. The power of culture cannot be overestimated; arts and culture can open our minds, enliven our communities and enrich everyone’s lives.
For more information about Creative Ireland’s programme of Creative Communities initiatives please go to www.creativeireland.gov.ie