The now national Age Friendly Ireland Programme supports cities, counties and towns across Ireland to prepare for the rapid ageing of our population by paying increased attention to the environmental, economic and social factors that influence the health and well-being of older adults.

The objectives of the Wicklow Age Friendly County Programme are to:
- Improve the health and well-being of older people in the County.
- Increase participation in the social, economic and cultural life of the community.
- Encourage effective partnerships between local statutory, private and voluntary organisations.
Age Friendly Programme Structure
The Wicklow Age Friendly Alliance is a high-level cross-sector group, chaired by the Chief Executive of the local authority. It includes senior decision-makers from public (Local Authority, HSE, An Garda Síochána etc.), commercial and not-for-profit organisations.
Key to the success of the Alliance is the representation of members from the Older People’s Council. The Older People’s Council exercise a strong, guiding influence on age-friendly local development. The Age Friendly Alliance plans and implements the strategies and monitors delivery of the actions detailed in the County Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023-27.
Learn more about the County Wicklow Age Friendly Programme and the Older People’s Council, from this video below, with highlights from the
Older People’s Council Seminar and Open Day 2022.
Download .pdf here : County Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023-27.
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