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News & events from the Directorate of Community, Cultural & Social Development.
WCC Notice to Mariners No.15 of 2021- Safety in Wicklow Port

Friday 8 October 2021

WCC Notice to Mariners No.15 of 2021- Safety in Wicklow Port

Wicklow Harbour, Chart No. 633, 1121, 1411, 1468

To all ship owners, shipmasters, agents, fishing vessels, pleasure craft users, seafarers and fishery organisations.


Safety in Wicklow Port


In the interests of safety, all Wicklow Port users are reminded of the following safety points:

  1. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment must be worn in the port area at all times.
  2. Vehicles transiting the port area should;
    1. Proceed at a safe speed
    2. exhibit hazard warning lights
    3. keep a sharp lookout for pedestrians and other vehicles
  3. Pedestrians transiting the port area should;
    1. Wear high-visibility clothing
    2. Keep a sharp lookout for moving vehicles – forklifts, trucks, cars, etc.
    3. Keep a sharp lookout for, and avoid overhead lifting operations
  4. Climbing on or walking on cargo is strictly prohibited as cargo may shift and result in death or injury through crushing, falling or suffocation.


Paul Ivory,

Senior Marine Officer,

Wicklow County Council.


0404 67455

087 0575938

1st October 2021
