Age Friendly Survey: October – December 2021
Wicklow County Council in association with Wicklow’s Age Friendly County Alliance and Wicklow’s Older Persons Council is carrying out a survey to consult and hear the views of older people (55 years and over) living in county Wicklow. The information you provide will help to identify and ensure that age friendly activities/services are developed to improve the quality of life for people in the county as we all grow older. We appreciate you taking time to complete our survey, your ideas will be used to shape Wicklow County Council’s Age Friendly Strategy (2022 - 2027). Your insights and contribution will result in the identification of priority areas for action through the new strategy.
What is an Age Friendly Strategy?
This is a strategic plan, developed by the Council in collaboration with older people, agencies, and community stakeholders which addresses a broad range of areas relevant to the quality of life of older people in county Wicklow. The plan will include priority actions under the following broad headings as devised by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
2. Transport
3. Housing
4. Social Participation
5. Respect and Social Inclusion
6. Civic Participation and Employment
7. Communication and Information
8. Community Support and Health Services
Please be assured that all information supplied will be anonymised and will only be used for the purposes of preparing our new Age Friendly Strategy, no individual response will be identifiable.
Thank you for your time and participation.
Richella Wood
Wicklow Age Friendly Programme Manager