
Living  /  Services  /  Environment  /  Beaches & Water Safety  /  Water Safety on the Farm

Water Safety on the Farm

Tips and guidelines regarding water safety on farms.

Think about the risks that water poses on farms, from barrels to tanks and from holes to ponds.

  • Farm ponds/water holes are often out of view from the house so ensure an adult accompanies a child when feeding the ducks or playing. Alternatively, fence in, cover or fill in the risk.
  • Slurry pits are not solid enough to stand on and may be overgrown with grass - keep away as you will sink and drown. Do not follow or try to get a ball out of a slurry pit. Adults, make sure the slurry pit is not accessible and cannot be entered
  • Keep away from the edge of riverbanks, pools, ponds and holes. The exact edge may not be visible because of grass and reeds and the bank may be undermined and give way.
  • Fill in holes and drains etc left after building works. They will fill with water and you will not know the depth – these can be deep
  • Cover rainwater barrels and animal drinking tanks/barrels. Use a auto drinking bowl type instead
  • Do not try to retrieve floating objects like toys or balls from water. They are cheap – buy another one – “because there is only one of you!”
  • Never skate or walk out onto ice-covered water - if it breaks, you can go down and you won't be able to get back up - the water will also be freezing