Climate action is now a critical concern in business, industry, agriculture and all our workplaces. To remain competitive and protect jobs we must build a more resilient climate proofed economy, one that puts our economy on a sustainable pathway. We need to address how our workplaces consume energy and resources. We need to consider the impact of all our activities and those of our staff in undertaking their work.
There are significant challenges in order to achieve 51% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 and to deliver a net zero economy by 2050. A;ll sectors of the economy will have to engage and deliver on this goal. There will also be new opportunities for job creation and economic activity in areas that will help us to deliver decarbonisation of our economy including in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable technologies, smarter technologies and the circular economy.
Businesses that adapt quickest will be more competitive and resilient. The task of decarbonisation will be challenging and will i require expenditure to achieve later savings. There are a wide range of supports and also grant opportunities available for the different sectors. Below are a list of some of the key services that can provide support and guidance for different sectors.
For small and medium enterprises SMEs the Local Enterprise Office can provide support with the Green for Micro Programme. Visit here for more details.
SEAI should be the first stop for any workplace looking at energy efficiency or use of renewable energy. They have a range of programmes targeting different sectors including large businesses, SMEs, public sector buildings and advice on business related activity. Their website https://www.seai.ie/business-and-public-sector/ provides guidance and information on relevant grants.
The EPA is a good source for information on the Circular Economy. Their website https://www.epa.ie/our-services/monitoring--assessment/circular-economy/ provides advices, documents and funding opportunities through Green Entreprise.
Entreprise Ireland has a climate action team providing support and offers funding through the Climate Action Entreprise Action Fund. More details can be found here
Teasgasc provide information on their research on Climate, click here for more information. The Origin Green programme is focused on sustainability in the food sector, click here for more information.
Information on sustainability in the Wicklow tourism sector is available locally, click here for more information, and also from Sustainable Tourism Ireland, a Wicklow based organisation providing training and certification, for more information click here