
Living  /  Services  /  Environment  /  Climate Action and Biodiversity  /  Climate Action Policy  /  Climate Adaptation Strategy

Climate Adaptation Strategy

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The impacts of climate change are already visible today and are expected to intensify over the coming decades. This Climate Adaptation Strategy for County Wicklow developed by Wicklow County Council under the guidance of the Climate Action Regional Office (CARO) is a response to the impact that the climate change is having and will continue to have on the County of Wicklow and its citizens. It addresses how Wicklow County as an organisation responds to the impacts of Climate Change. It does not look directly at the work being done to prevent or mitigate Climate Change. It is a part of the combined effort we must make on Climate Action to both prevent it happening and also prepare for how it will impact on us in the coming years. To date, the focus when addressing Climate Change has been almost entirely on mitigation through reducing our carbon emissions. It is now timely that through this strategy we also plan for the impacts it will bring to Wicklow.