Communal gardening can be undertaken either in the form of allotments or community gardening. Allotments are a garden space where individuals that are members of the group are allotted a plot for their own use which they tend themselves under an agreed code of conduct with the landowner. A community garden is a shared space which is more socially orientated, with members working together for the benefit of the group themselves and the wider community. Community gardens can operate as social hubs bringing together diverse groups which can include schools, active retirement groups, Men’s sheds, and a diverse range of volunteer groups in a community.
There are a range of expressions of communal gardening in County Wicklow including several private allotment sites, a number of community gardens, edible landscaping projects and school gardens. There have also been campaigns and training to support gardening for production at home.
Wicklow County Council supports the communal gardening movement in County Wicklow. We recognise that communal garden has significant sustainability and social benefits. Growing produce creates stronger connection to the foods we eat and can assist in improving production at local level. As a communal activity it can create space for communities to come together and work together. Gardening contributes to health and well-being of those who work on site and also for those who visit sites. Communal gardening offers space for skills development of all age groups.
Wicklow County Council is committed to supporting groups in the development of communal gardening spaces where feasible. We will work with communal gardening groups to assist in development of their projects. For further information or queries please contact the Climate Action Team by email at
Some resources which may be of use for communal garden groups are as follows: