Active Travel involves modes of travel where we use our own physical energy to move. Walking and cycling are the two main active travel modes although scooters are becoming popular. Walking to work, popping down to the shops on a bike or scooting to school are all examples of active travel. The benefits of active travel include:
1. Getting physical exercise into the daily routine.
2. It’s a less stressful form of travel and good for mental health.
3. It’s a less costly way to travel saving money.
4. It can actually be just as quick or quicker for many journeys particularly during peak traffic times.
5. It reduces traffic congestion on our streets.
6. It improves air quality.
7. It reduces carbon emissions.

The Wicklow commuter survey 2018 found that just 6% of commuters going to work did so by walking while 1% were cycling to work. The schools commute is also similarly car dominated these days with peak traffic around school at opening and closing times.
Wicklow County Council is working to improve both cycling and pedestrian infrastructure under the NTA investment programme here
and the Safe Routes to School programme here
The HSE provides some good promotional information and resources for active travel which can be viewed here
The Cycle to work scheme provides funding of up to 52% towards the purchase of a bike and accessories up to €1000. You can get more details on the bike to work scheme here