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Communities and Heritage

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Sources of Funding Available

The purpose of this brief is to provide information to individuals and communities in County Wicklow about the sources of funding available to them on local and national levels. It has been produced by the Heritage Office of Wicklow County Council, County Buildings Wicklow Town. Tel: 0404 20100/ 91, dburns@wicklowcoco.ie.

For further information on any of the listings please see relevant contact details at the end of each entry.

Wicklow Community, Heritage and Cultural Awards Scheme

Heritage Award Scheme

In 2005, Wicklow County Council introduced revised and expanded Community Awards scheme to include a Heritage Category for the first time. (The other categories under the scheme are: Community Activity Award; Social Inclusion Award; Community Arts Award; and Merit Award) Applications are invited from community groups for grants for heritage projects.

Eligible Projects

Under the scheme, Community based groups in the County are invited to apply for funding (maximum allocation of €1500 per allocation) to carry out actions to promote, protect, educate or increase awareness of some aspect of their local heritage (wildlife flora and fauna, architecture, history, monuments, landscapes and features, artefacts, heritage gardens and parks)

This includes heritage conservation and improvement initiatives, e.g. local research and data collection, heritage awareness raising, education and training projects, restoration, conservation and enhancement projects. Successful projects have included everything from the production of a display on native wild birds, to producing an historical publication, organising community training, to commissioning architectural advice, to developing an exhibition, to repairing a village clock.

Application period:

To be advertised in local media in Spring each year.

For Further Information:

Deirdre Burns, Heritage Officer, Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Wicklow Town Phone no. 0404 20191 E-mail dburns@wicklowcoco.ie

Grants for the conservation of Protected Structures

Objective of Scheme

There are obligations on owners and occupiers to ensure the preservation of Protected Structures. Assistance towards this is offered by the County Council in the form of annual conservation grants.

Who can apply?

The owner of a Protected Structure can apply for a grant to carry out necessary conservation work. A structure qualifies under the scheme if it is included in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) in the Wicklow County Development Plan. You can see a copy of the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) at your local authority planning counter.

Application period:

November - Jan each year. Check local press for details.

Conditions of Grant

  • The standard amount of the grant may be up to 50% of the approved cost subject to a maximum of €13,000.
  • A grant may not exceed €20,000 or 75% of the approved cost, or, if appropriate, the revised approved cost whichever is the lesser.
  • The engagement of professional advisors in relation to works carried out under the scheme is strongly encouraged. The Royal Institute of Irish Architects (RIAI) 01-6761703 publishes a list of Architects qualified to advise on protected structures.

For further information

If you have any additional queries about this grant scheme or the application process please contact: Solomon Aroboto, Assistant Planner at 0404 – 20148 ext. 2145 or
E-mail Saroboto@wicklowcoco.ie

Environmental Partnership Fund

The Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government makes grant assistance available yearly through the Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund. This fund promotes sustainable development by assisting small scale environmental projects at local level which involve partnership arrangements between local authorities and local community groups, schools and environmental NGOs.

Matching funding by local authorities is provided. Additional funding from the project applicants will increase the funding potential even further. The Department's environmental awareness campaign "Race against Waste" has a specific focus on waste management. It is desirable therefore that projects applying to the scheme address the issue of waste management including prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling.

For Further information

Environmental Awareness Officer at; The Murrough Environmental Centre, The Murrough, Wicklow Town Tel. 1890 22 22 76 / 0404 64 120
Email: eao@wicklowcoco.ie or see www.enfo.ie

Tree Planting Grant Scheme

Wicklow County Council requests applications from Tidy Towns Committees and Residents Associations for the ‘Tree Planting Grant Scheme’. The grant is based on the cost of the trees, which includes the cost of stakes and ties. (However, the grant is not for the planting of shrubs or flowers). The grant will come to at least 50% of the cost of the planting. It can be more depending on the level (value) of applications received. The towns of Bray, Wicklow and Arklow are not included in this grant scheme. The grants are allocated in the first two weeks in September, so as the planting can be done in October/November. Once the receipts are submitted the grant is paid.

Application Period:

July-Aug each year. This grant scheme is advertised in the local press in early to mid April each year.

For Further information

Environment Section,
County Buildings,
Wicklow County Council
Phone No. 0404 20100

Tidy Estates and Main Streets Competition

Wicklow County Council annually run a Tidy Estates and a Main Streets Competition for Tidy Towns Committees and Residents Associations. The towns of Bray, Wicklow and Arklow are not included in this grant scheme. €10,000 is given out in prizes annually.

Application period:

This grant scheme is advertised in the local press in early to mid April each year.

For Further information

Environment Section,
County Buildings,
Wicklow County Council
Phone No. 0404 20100

Wicklow Rural Partnership

Wicklow Rural Partnership (WRP) provides funding through the Leader + Programme. Environmental and Heritage related projects may qualify for funding under this programme.

LEADER + Programme

The LEADER + Programme is an EU initiative aimed at promoting the long-term sustainable development of rural areas. The theme for LEADER + selected by Wicklow Rural Partnership in consultation with local development stakeholders is "to support integrated communities and sustainable local environments and economies through enhancing quality of life and promoting sustainable development". The emphasis of LEADER + is on innovation including an innovative approach to development in the local context in terms of method, product (including services and community based or private promoter projects), production process or market. Women and youth in rural areas, are two groups, which have been identified for priority attention under the programme.

To date, Wicklow Rural Partnership has assisted many environmental and heritage related based activities in the county.

Categories of funding available

  1. Training
  2. Analysis and Development
  3. Innovative Rural Enterprise, Craft Enterprise and Local Service/Facilities
  4. Exploitation of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Products
  5. Enhancement of Natural/Built/Social/Cultural Environment
  6. Environmentally Friendly Initiatives
  7. Rural/Agri-Tourism
    1. Product Development/Leisure Recreational Facilities
    2. Accommodation (incl. Restoration of Farm Buildings)
    3. Tourism Marketing, Promotion and Training

For Further information

Wicklow Rural Partnership,
Saville House,
Saville's Cross,
Co. Wicklow
Tel: 0404 46977
E-mail: info@wicklowleader.ie
See www.wicklowleader.ie

The Heritage Council Grant Scheme

The Heritage Council operates an annual, national Heritage Grant Scheme, which supports individuals, organisations, voluntary, and community groups in a range of projects to promote public enjoyment and increase awareness and understanding of our Heritage. In 2005 more than €2.3 million of National Lottery was allocated across Ireland in the Heritage Council Grant Scheme.

There are seven grant categories for which applications are sought, these are:

  • Archaeology
  • Architecture Research
  • Buildings at Risk
  • Local Heritage
  • Museums and Archives
  • Publications
  • Wildlife

How do I apply?

An application form is available on request by post, by fax, by e-mail, by phone or in person at the Heritage Council offices, or you can download it from www.heritagecouncil.ie. Applications for the Heritage Grants Programme may also be entered over the Internet. If you wish to apply online, phone the Heritage Council at 056 7770777 to register and receive your individual password. However, Applications for the Buildings at Risk Programme cannot be made over the Internet. You can post, hand deliver or submit your completed application online but not by fax or e-mail.

Application period

The application period is widely advertised each September, with a closing date for applications normally in early November. Applications for Buildings at Risk to be submitted by March.

For Further information

The Heritage Council
Co. Kilkenny
Tel: 056 7770777

Vodafone and Conservation Volunteers Ireland Nature Fund

The Vodafone and Conservation Volunteers Ireland (CVI) Nature Fund was established with the aim of encouraging the appreciation and protection of Ireland's unique natural environment through the funding of locally based environmental projects and initiatives.

The fund is made up of the proceeds raised by Vodafone by the recycling of mobile phones. The fund is open to all types of organisations from across the community, including schools, businesses, local authorities, residents associations, charities and voluntary groups as well as individuals whose projects display a practical commitment to understanding, enhancing and protecting our environment. The Nature fund is distributed twice a year, with a yearly prize fund of €40,000.

All applications should clearly show your understanding of the importance of preserving our natural environment, and an outline of how your project will help enhance and protect it. From the smallest recycling project to the largest habitat protection scheme, show how committed you are to promoting and safeguarding Ireland’s natural heritage.

Application Period

The deadline for application to this twice-yearly fund is usually the end of December and the end of June.

For Further information

If you would like an application form with eligibility and application guidelines, please contact Conservation Volunteers Ireland (CVI) on 01 4952878, email info@cvi.ie , or see www.cvi.ie or www.vodafone.ie