Wicklow County Council provides grants for the planting of trees by Tidy Towns, residents' and community groups. The maximum grant payable may be up to 75% of the cost and is payable when the work is completed. Reckonable expenditure would include the cost of the trees, ties, stakes and fertiliser but does not include the cost of the planting.
Application forms should be accompanied by a sketch/map of the estate, town or village showing the location of the proposed planting. A written estimate of the cost from your supplier itemising the type of trees etc. will have to be submitted in order to determine the amount of grant to be allocated.
The grant is for the planting of deciduous trees but not shrubs or flowers. Preference will be given to species that encourage biodiversity and/or are native. Fruit trees may be an option or native hedgerow species that will encourage wildlife. Applications that favour smaller trees rather than expensive standards will be given preference in funding.
Applications are normally advertised in late summer but for more information please contact:
Environmental Awareness Office
Phone: 1890 222276
Email: eao@wicklowcoco.ie