
Living  /  Services  /  Environment  /  Veterinary Services  /  Dog Control

Dog Control

Regulations and guidelines regarding the control of dogs, dog-breeding establishments, stray and surrender dogs.


 All dog owners must display responsible ownership of their animals.

Keep your dog under control at all times to prevent sheep worrying and nuisance. Have consideration for others, such as guide dogs, the elderly and children, and keep your dog on a lead in a public place).

Make sure your dog has collar identification and a registered microchip (this will help reunite you with your pet if he is lost or stolen).

  • Clean up after your dog if it fouls in a public place
  • Have your dog neutered unless you intend to breed from it
  • Buy an annual licence for your dog
  • Ensure your dog is microchipped
  • Feed your dog according to its size, age, and lifestyle
  • Worm and de-flea your dog regularly
  • Exercise your dog regularly
  • Consider purchasing pet health insurance for your dog
  • Vaccinate your dog and have an annual veterinary check-up for your dog

Dog licences

All dog owners must have a current dog license for each pet. Licenses are available from any post office at a cost of €20. Annual dog licences (€20) and lifetime dog licences, at a cost of €140, can be purchased on Licences.ie

General Dog Licences (€400) are only available from:

Environmental Section

Wicklow County Council
County Buildings
Wicklow Town

Phone: (0404) 20236
Email: env@wicklowcoco.ie


It is a legal requirement to have all dogs in Ireland microchipped. To be fully compliant with the legislation you must take the following three steps:

  • Have your dog microchipped
  • Have your details registered on a government-approved database (the microchip implanter is responsible for this)
  • Be in possession of a Microchipping Certificate

More information on microchipping can be found from Dog's Trust and the ISPCA.

Lost and found dogs

If you have lost your dog or found a dog, please contact the dog pound:

ISPCA/Wicklow County Council Dog Pound
Co. Wicklow A67K024

Phone: (0404) 44873
Email: wicklow@ispca.ie 

Phones will be manned during opening hours. There is an answer machine outside these hours.

Contact the dog wardens at:
Phone: 086 3846430 or 086 2771695

The dog pound is open six days a week:  
Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 11.00am
Saturday: 10am - 12 noon

 Directions to Wicklow County Council Pound:

Travelling Northbound on N11 from Arklow direction, take left turn opposite Beehive Pub. Take the third right turn on this road. Pound is on the right hand side of the road with a sign for “Sharpeshill” at gate.

Dogs for rehoming

Please contact the pound directly if you wish to rehome a dog. Dogs for rehoming are also available on the ISPCA's website.

 Stray and surrender dogs

Under the Control of Dogs Act 1986, stray dogs are recorded in the public register of Stray Dogs. However, surrendered dogs details are not required to be maintained in the public register.

Dog breeding establishments

If you keep more than six female dogs you may need to register your premises with Wicklow County Council.