
Living  /  Services  /  Housing  /  Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing


Under the Housing for All Delivery Plan 2022 – 2026 Wicklow County Council will aim to make homes available at a reduced price to bridge the affordability gap.

The Affordable Housing Scheme is designed to help first time buyers or those that qualify under the fresh start principle acquire their first home with help from the Local Authority.    

When purchasing a property the Local Authority will retain a percentage equity share in the property.  The Purchaser must enter into an Affordable Dwelling Purchase Agreement with the Local Authority. 

This is a percentage equal to the reduction you have received off the open market value of the property.  This is called the equity share this can be paid off before it is due but you are not required to do so (with exception where a breach of the agreement occurs e.g. you sell the property).

Please see the below link to the affordable homes website which explain the scheme in detail.
