
Living  /  Services  /  Housing  /  Homelessness


Information on homeless resources available from Wicklow County Council and contact details for the Homeless Persons Unit.

Wicklow County Council is continuing to move away from the model of providing emergency accommodation for the homeless from large units towards a best practice Housing First model. This involves a number of different approaches including the use of smaller units with visiting support for up to three to four clients per house as well as securing units supplied from voluntary housing bodies, the private rented sector, and by the local authority directly for people at risk of homelessness.

If you are homeless and registered within Wicklow Local Authority, you can apply to the homeless section of the local authority to access HAP. Contact 0404-20120 and request meeting with out Homeless Officer.

Contacting the Homeless Persons Unit

The Homeless Persons Unit provides payments under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme and offers advice on your social welfare entitlements.

Please call 1800 724 724 for more details.

Three main categories of payment:

  • Basic Payment (Supplementary Welfare Allowance) 'Weekly or Living Money' - This is intended to be a short-term payment. It is often payable pending the award of another long-term allowance or when no other scheme is available to the claimant.
  • Supplements ‘add-on’ to basic payment - Following award of Basic SWA or DSP claim, supplements may be payable to cover certain recurring expenses, such a rent or travel. This depends on the individual circumstances in each case and is subject to verification
  • Exceptional Needs Payments (ENPs) - These are once-off payments towards unforeseen expenses that cannot reasonably be met from within weekly income such as rent deposits and travel expenses (to HPU office).

The HPU will also assist you in making a claim for mainstream social welfare payments including Job Seekers Allowance, Disability Allowance, Child Benefit, etc.

If you don’t have a medical card, talk to the HPU and apply for one – don’t wait until you become sick. Applications for medical cards can be ‘fast tracked’. Please contact 1850 252 919

Community Welfare Officers in the HPU can also provide information and advice on a wide range of issues that impact on the day-to-day lives of people experiencing homelessness.

You will need to obtain proof of means – details of any source of income or employment history.

For further information, please contact www.welfare.ie


Mid-East Region Homelessness Action Plan 2024 - 2026 

Please click on the attached link for full details of the Plan Mid East Region 2024-2026

Homeless Services

Cold Weather Arrangements 

The 2018-2019 Cold Weather Initiative is a 12 Bed Night service operating in Bray and is a partnership between Wicklow County council, Dublin Simon Community and The Fice Loaves Homeless day centre.

Referrals to the service come from Wicklow County Council (0404)20120, Five Loaves Homeless Services (01) 2040960, Email: info@whfiveloaves.com , Dublin Simon Community Bray, Email: wicklow@dubsimon.ie , and the local Gardai in Bray (01) 6665300.

The service opening hours will be extended from Friday 1st February, with an earlier opening time of 4pm, in anticipation of extremely low temperatures and possibility of snow.