Turnkey Housing Developments/Housing Schemes and/or Land for the Provision of Social/Affordable Housing in County Wicklow
Wicklow County Council is seeking to increase the number of social/affordable houses being brought into use, through various delivery mechanisms, including the acquisition of turnkey units, unfinished developments, and direct construction projects by the Council on lands to be acquired.
Proposals should be well located within or very close to a town and be within walking distance of primary services such as schools, shops, community facilities. Lands should be zoned residential in the relevant Local Area/Town Plan. Social houses are particularly needed in the following areas:
· Bray
· Greystones-Delgany
· Arklow
· Blessington
· Enniskerry
· Ashford
· All other towns/villages in County Wicklow with housing needs
Affordable houses are required in all the areas listed above (provided the applications meet the criteria) plus the following areas:
- Wicklow Town
- Newtownmountkennedy
- Rathnew
- Rathdrum
An ‘Expressions of Interest’ Application Form is available from the Housing Capital Projects Office, Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Station Road, Wicklow or can be requested by phone (0404 20100 Housing Capital Projects) or email at EOIHousing@wicklowcoco.ie
Submissions must be received not later than 4pm on Friday 25th July 2025. Wicklow County Council is not obliged to purchase any turnkey housing development/housing scheme and or land submitted as part of this process.
Joe Lane, Director of Services
Transportation & Infrastructure Delivery