
Living  /  Services  /  Libraries  /  My Open Library (MOL)

My Open Library (MOL)

Find out how you can access Arklow and Wicklow Libraries outside of staffed hours, seven days a week.

What is My Open Library?

My Open Library (MOL) is an unstaffed, self-service library, which is available at Arklow and Wicklow libraries, Monday to Sunday between 8am and 10pm.

Current normal staffed opening hours remain unchanged.

What services are available during MOL hours?

Library users can avail of a variety of library services during MOL hours, including:

  • Borrowing and returning library items
  • Using public PCs
  • Accessing library wifi
  • Self-service printing
  • Daily newspapers
  • Study spaces.

Who can use My Open Library?

MOL membership is available to all library patrons aged 16 and over.

In order to be granted MOL access, patrons must attend a brief health and safety walkthough with a member of staff. These sessions are held regularly at Arklow and Wicklow libraries. 

There is no need to book these sessions, but please bring along your library card and some photo ID. Patrons aged 16/17 must bring a parent/guardian and original, valid age ID (passport, age card etc). 

Contact the branch for further details.

My Open Library [MOL] branches in Wicklow