Traveller Accommodation
Details of Wicklow County Council's policy regarding Traveller accommodation within the county.
Wicklow County Council is responsible for the housing needs of the Travelling community within its functional area and has adopted a Traveller Accommodation Programme.
With regards to existing sites such as Silverbridge, Ballinteskin, Rocky Valley and Windgates, it is proposed to improve the living accommodation and facilities onsite. This will be subject to the relevant funding being available from the Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government.
Notice of proposed adoption and publication of a Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025- 2029
In accordance with Section 9 of the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998, Wicklow County Council proposes to adopt a Traveller Accommodation Programme for five years (2025-2029). This plan will cover the functional area of Wicklow County Council.
Any person or organisation who wishes to make a submission in respect of the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme is invited to do so, by 9th May 2025 at 5pm.
Submissions in relation to the proposed Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme are invited and should be made:
In writing in a sealed envelope marked “Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025-2029” and addressed to Senior Executive Officer, Social Development (H&C), Housing Section, Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow A67 FW96.
Or by email to with the subject line: Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025-2029.
Or via consult below.