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Part 8 Consultation - Former Bank of Ireland Building Carnew

Former Bank of Ireland, Carnew, Part 8

In accordance with provisions of PART XI of the Planning Acts 2000 (as amended) and Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), Wicklow County Council hereby gives notice that it intends to refurbish the former Bank of Ireland Building, Main Street, Carnew, Co. Wicklow and adapt it for use as a remote working hub, incorporating retrofitting and accessibility enhancements.

The development will comprise a change of use from the existing bank to a community-based Remote Working Hub, and all associated refurbishment works to the existing building, and a new, single-storey lean-to extension to the rear of the property connected to the existing building by a new pitched roof structure with a glazed entrance and enclosing the existing flat roofed vault, and the erection of a new shopfront and signage at the front of the building including an integrated decorative entrance gate.

The aim of the development is to provide an active and vibrant working environment on Carnew Main Street and to promote well-being, inclusion, and community cohesion for those using and interacting with the building.

Submissions or observations

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the developments will be situated, may be made in writing to Caroline Cullimore, Administrative Officer, Economic Development Office of Wicklow County Council, Station Road, Wicklow Town A67 FW96.  

Submissions may also be made by email via the following addresses: or

All submissions must be made on or before 12 noon on Monday 22nd April, 2025.   Submissions and observations should be clearly marked “Former Bank of Ireland, Carnew, Part 8”.