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Provision of a new public library in Aughrim Town Centre

                                                              Expressions of Interest

                                       Provision a new Public Library in Aughrim Town Centre

                                                           Notice to Developers / Builders

Proposals are invited for the provision of a new Public Library (approx. 200m2) in Aughrim Town Centre. The existing Library in Aughrim is currently unfit for purpose and due to a range of issues encountered with the current library site and plans to build thereon, Wicklow County Council have now taken the decision to acquire a new Library building in Aughrim by way of direct purchase or design build. This will be by way of acquisition only.

The following will be used in the assessment of any proposals submitted:

  • Property Location 
  • Planning Status
  • Value for money
  • Compliance with the Planning & Building Regulations
  • Timescale for delivery
  • Financial Capacity of the proposer
  • Quality of Design and Construction

Constructed or partly constructed projects will be considered. To be of interest to the Council, the new library must deliver the following key qualities, listed in order of importance:

  • Location and accessibilty
  • Location relative to schools.
  • Space on the site for a Sensory Garden.
  • Parking and Delivery Access 
  • Value for money 

Design and Construction Standards must at a minimum meet the requirements of all relevant statutory Planning and Building Regulation requirements.

Interested parties are requested to complete an Expression of Interest Form which is available below, or may be requested by telephone (0404) 20236 or by email

Expressions of Interest forms should be submitted to Michael McNamara, A/Senior Executive Officer, Wicklow County Council, Station Road, Wicklow Town in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Expressions of Interest – Aughrim Library”.

Submissions must be received not later than 4pm on Wednesday 18th September 2024. Wicklow County Council is not obliged to purchase any development submitted as part of this process.

Wicklow County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. If you consider that the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this would be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to FOI requests, be examined in light of exemptions provided for the FOI Act.

Michael McNamara,
A/Senior Executive Officer,
Climate, Environment, Recreation & Amenity