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Safe Routes to Schools Blacklion Manor, Greystones, Co Wicklow - Section 38 Road Traffic Act 1994

Wicklow County Council, in conjunction with An Taisce and the National Transport Authority (NTA), is proposing to improve road safety adjacent to schools in the county that have been selected as part of the NTA Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme. The purpose of the scheme is to make the areas immediately adjacent to the schools safer so that children can be encouraged and facilitated to walk and cycle to the schools more safely.

A parents survey carried out in 2024 indicated that 98% of the parents of children attending the three schools Temple Carrig School, Greystones Educate Together National School and Gaelscoil na gCloch Liath  support works at the location that improve student safety and put pedestrians and cyclists first. 

The purpose of this non-statutory public consultation is to advise the public that Wicklow County Council proposes to undertake construction of Traffic Calming for pedestrian and cyclist safety measures on section of L1026, Blacklion Manor Road.

Supported by the school board of management, these designs have been developed based on best practice and guidance which addresses safety issues raised by the schools.

The proposed scheme will consist of carriageway narrowing along a section of the L1026, Black lion Manor Road which may include installation of bollards adjacent to the schools, colour contrast road surfacing, road markings, pedestrian and cyclist facility improvements, junction improvements including public realm improvements where feasible. 

Drawings are available for inspection below and on display in the Greystones Municipal District Office, Mill Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow A63 TX86 from Wednesday 5th to Wednesday 19th February 2025.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be clearly marked with “Safe Routes to Schools Scoil Blacklion Manor” and lodged with the Active Travel Team, Arklow MD District Office, Castle Park, Arklow, Y14 FX63 or by email to to be received by 5pm on Wednesday 19th  February 2025.


Please note that comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council regarding this process may form part of the report for recording and publication of the decision following the outcome of the consultation process. This shall be circulated to the elected members. Accordingly, they may also appear in the public domain.