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Traffic Calming Proposals 2022 - Bray Municipal District


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of the Roads Act, 1994 Wicklow County Council have given notice of its intention to provide traffic calming at locations listed below, which restrict or control the speed or movement of, or which prevent, restrict or control access to a public road or roads by, mechanically propelled vehicles in the interest of the safety of road users. 

Location Measures
Sidmonton Square, Bray Path build outs, road narrowing with single lane traffic shuttle, raised level crossing and reduced kerb radii. 
Deerpark Road, Bray Road narrowing and raised table 
Cookstown Road, Enniskerry Path build out, single lane traffic shuttle and raised level crossing at Powerscourt National School.

Representations on the proposed traffic calming measures as outlined in plans and particulars contained herein may be made in writing to the Bray District Administrator, Wicklow County Council, Municipal District of Bray, Civic Offices, Bray, Co. Wicklow before noon Wednesday 10th August 2022. Submissions should be headed, “Traffic Calming Bray MD 2022”.

After receipt of surveys, written representations and consideration of the observations of the Garda Commissioner/Chief Superintendent for the area and the appraisal of the council’s roads technical staff, a draft chief executive’s report in relation to the traffic calming measures shall be prepared and submitted to the elected members for their observations. The report shall list the persons or bodies who made submissions or observations, summarise the issues raised with respect to traffic safety and viability and recommend whether or not the proposed measures should be proceeded with as proposed or with modification.

Following a review of the observations of the elected members the final chief executive’s report shall be prepared and shall outline the decisions made regarding the provision of traffic calming measures.

Sidmonton Square, Bray

Traffic calming measures are proposed to address pedestrian safety crossing Sidmonton Road, each side of the park. On the north side of the park, beside Sidmonton Avenue, visibility crossing the road from west to east is very poor due to the road alignment. There are also issues with approach speeds by traffic approaching Sidmonton Square from Novara Avenue. The park railing on the corner of Sidmonton Road and Sidmonton Avenue has been hit on a number of occasions by motorists. On the south side of the park, there is very poor visibility for pedestrians crossing from Sidmonton Square to the west side of Sidmonton Road. This is due to the narrow roadway width and the lack of a footpath on the east side of Sidmonton Road.

Funding has been allocated by the National Transport Agency for 2022 to address pedestrian safety issues at Sidmonton Park.  A significant path build out is required on the west side of Sidmonton Road to ensure adequate visibility between pedestrians crossing the road towards Sidmonton Avenue and traffic approaching from Novara Avenue. If a path is also provided on the east side of the road, where no path currently exists, the roadway will be too narrow for two-way traffic. 

To address the issues on the north side of the park and ensure safe traffic speeds on the approach to a sharp bend, a traffic calming measure is proposed where the road is narrowed to 3.5m, which will force traffic for each direction to take turns passing through a short one-way shuttle. This would also incorporate a raised speed table with a level access courtesy crossing. The path build outs created on both sides of the road will ensure adequate visibility between motorists and pedestrians and narrower roadway crossing for pedestrians. It is also proposed to reduce the kerb radii at the junctions of Sidmonton Avenue and Sidmonton Square South with Sidmonton Road.

For the raised table a Hot Rolled Asphalt pavement construction with coloured stone chippings is proposed.  For improved visibility, retroreflective white sharks teeth markings on each approach ramp will be provided. Additional markings to designate pedestrian crossing will also be included. The proposed speed table height of 80mm is proposed. Ancillary drainage work will be required.

Deerpark Road

Deerpark Road from the Boghall Road to the south side of the new junction Pettit’s SuperValu shopping centre has received NTA funding in 2022 towards the provision of improved segregated cycle tracks. The scheme will ensure a high quality cycle linkage between the Boghall Road and the Southern Cross Road as it will connect with the two-way cycle track completed as part of the shopping centre development. 
Currently the Deerpark Road has 1.2m wide advisory cycle lanes on either side of a 7.5m wide roadway. To facilitate the scheme it is proposed to narrow the roadway to a width of 5.5m and utilise part of the wide tree lined verge and the additional space taken from the roadway to construct 1.8m raised segregated cycle tracks on each side of the roadway. Additionally to reduce cycle-motorist conflicts at the shopping centre entrance a new speed table is proposed south of the entrance that will facilitate a cycle crossing. This will remove the need for a two-way cycle track crossing the shopping centre entrance.

For the raised table a Hot Rolled Asphalt pavement construction with coloured stone chippings is proposed.  For improved visibility, retroreflective white sharks teeth markings on each approach ramp will be provided. Additional markings to designate pedestrian crossing will also be included. The proposed speed table height of 80mm is proposed. Ancillary drainage work will be required.

Cookstown Road, Enniskerry

The Cookstown Road adjacent to the Powerscourt National School has a poor road alignment and a narrow footpath on one side. Children have to cross the road daily as the parking and the town centre and residential areas are on the opposite side of the road. There is an existing zebra crossing but visibility is impaired by a pedestrian barrier intended to prevent children stepping onto the roadway from the narrow footpath. The crossing is located on a bend in the road and there is no public lighting available. Flashing amber signals were installed two years ago on the approach to the crossing but these have not allayed the concerns of parents about child safety due to the speed and volume of traffic using the road.

Funding has been allocated in 2022 by the National Transport Agency to address pedestrian safety issues at Cookstown Road.  A significant footpath widening is required on the north side of the road opposite the pedestrian entrance to the school to ensure adequate visibility between pedestrians crossing the road towards the school and traffic approaching from the R760. Due to the already poor alignment path widening cannot be carried out while maintaining two-way traffic. A chicane is proposed in combination with a speed table and roadway width reduction to 3.5m at the crossing. This will provide traffic calming and a reduced crossing width with greatly improved visibility. The roadway narrowing will force traffic for each direction to take turns passing through a short one-way shuttle.


For the raised table a Hot Rolled Asphalt pavement construction with coloured stone chippings is proposed.  For improved visibility, retroreflective white sharks teeth markings on each approach ramp will be provided. Enhance zebra crossing markings will also be included. The proposed speed table height of 80mm is proposed. Ancillary drainage work will be required.

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