
Living  /  Services  /  Planning  /  Development Plans & Strategies  /  National, Regional & County Plans  /  Wicklow County Development Plan 2022 - 2028  /  Stage 1 Pre-draft Public Consultations  /  Environmental Assessments

Environmental Assessments

As part of the Development Plan review the Council is required to carry out a number of environmental assessments.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

SEA is required to be carried out under EU Directive 2001/42/EC. The objective of the Directive is to provide for a high level of protection of the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans. Accordingly, an evaluation of the likely significant environmental effects of implementing the County Development Plan will be carried out in tandem with the preparation of the Plan. This process, known as SEA, ensures a high level of protection for the environment.

Appropriate Assessment (AA)

The Plan will also be subject to Appropriate Assessment as is required by the European Habitats Directive. AA is a focused and detailed impact assessment of the implications of the Plan, alone or in combination with other plans and projects, on the integrity of Natura 2000 sites in view of the conservation objectives of these sites.  Natura 2000 sites include Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). SPAs are identified to safeguard the habitats of migratory birds and certain threatened bird species. SACs are wildlife conservation areas, identified to protect certain habitats and species.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)

The Council is required to integrate flood risk management into the County Development Plan. This is achieved through the preparation of a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). The purpose of the SFRA is to provide an assessment of all types of flood risk to inform land-use planning decisions in the County Development Plan.

What do you think?

  • What environmental considerations should be taken into account in the Strategic Environmental Assessment?
  • Have you any information that would assist in the assessment of the implications of the Plan on Natura 2000 sites?
  • Are you aware of any areas that are liable to flooding that should be identified in the SFRA?