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News & Events

The latest news and events in the Wicklow planning division.
Baltinglass Town Centre Refurbishment Project

Friday 2 February 2024

Baltinglass Town Centre Refurbishment Project

As you may be aware, Wicklow County Council are undertaking a project to improve the public realm and streetscape within Baltinglass Town Centre. This project will involve the re-allocation of road space, the laying of new high-quality paving and kerbs along the footpaths, enhanced lighting provision, tree planting and landscaping as well as associated drainage works, installation of ducting and the undergrounding of overhead cables (see Plan Layout attached)

Construction on this project will commence the week starting Monday 12th of February 2024. The works within the town will be undertaken in a phased manner starting with exploratory works at key locations on the footpaths and carriageway to identify the existing services.

The second phase will involve the installation of a new surface water drainage line and followed by the installation of ducting to underground the overhead cables and to future proof the ESB and telecoms network. 

To deliver this complex but very worthwhile project for the town, there will be some unavoidable temporary disruption to the area. Wicklow County Council, in collaboration with our contractor, will endeavour to minimise this as much as possible. Regular and timely updates in relation to temporary traffic management arrangements will be provided as the works progress.

If you wish to discuss this project further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We will update you with further information as the project progresses.

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and patience


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