
Living  /  Test Environment  /  Finance  /  Commercial Rates  /  Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of the the most common questions about commercial rates.
What are Rates used for ?

Rates are a property based tax levied by Local Authorities on the occupiers of commercial or industrial properties.  Income from commercial rates pays for a wide range of services including street lighting, maintenance of roads and footpaths, libraries, parks and playgrounds, sports and recreation facilities, economic development, community development and environmental protection

What are the new obligations on owners under section 32 of the Act?
  • An owner is required to notify the local authority where there is a change in the person ordinarily liable for rates on his or her property, for example, where there is a change in ownership, change in tenancy or where a tenant vacates and is not replaced immediately
  • Where the owner is selling the property, it is their duty to pay all rates for which he or she is liable for at the date of transfer of the property
What are the new obligations on occupiers under section 32 of the Act?

Outgoing occupiers are required to pay all rates for which they may be liable prior to or on the date of the transfer of the property/their vacating the premises.

In what circumstances does the obligation to notify the local authority arise?

Where a property is being transferred from one person to another that would result in a change in the person liable for rates, for example, a change in ownership, or a change in occupier including where an occupier leaves and the property becomes vacant.

Does an obligation to notify arise if the property is sold and there is no change in occupier?

No, the duty of the owner to inform the local authority of a transfer of property and the explicit duty on the person transferring the property to pay all rates for which he or she is liable for at the date of the transfer is predicated on the transfer bringing about a change in liability for rates on the property. If the ownership of a property transfers from one person to another without there being a change of occupancy then the duties associated with this section do not apply.

Does an obligation to notify arise if the occupier leaves and the property becomes vacant?

Yes, the owner is required to notify the local authority of this change as the outgoing occupier will no longer be liable for rates on the property in the future, hence determining a change in the occupier liable for rates.

Does an obligation to notify arise if a vacant property becomes occupied (ie leased/rented)?

Yes, the owner of the property is required to notify the local authority as the incoming occupier will now become liable for rates on that property in the future.

For further questions, contact the Revenue Office:

Phone: (0404) 20128