
Living  /  Test Environment  /  Governance  /  Access & Disability  /  Requests For Alternative Formats

Requests For Alternative Formats

Make a request for information in alternative formats.

What information is available in alternative format?

All information available to the public can be made available in alternative format where it is practical and where funding permits. Such documents may include application forms, information leaflets, reports, explanatory documents and other such public interest/service documents.

Examples of accessible formats available

  • Accessible format such as HTML and other electronic formats such as plain text
  • Large print version in English (at least 16 point)
  • Easy-to-read version
  • Braille
  • Audio version in English
  • Other alternative formats as may be requested

Sign language interpreters will be provided for public events, meetings, interviews and other events where necessary and where requested in advance.

It should be noted that each request will be dealt with on an individual basis and level of availability will depend on document requested.

How to make a request for information in an alternative format

  • In writing, at any public counter or posted directly to the access officer. Requests should be signed and dated by person making request where at all possible
  • By emailing the access officer directly

Information needed on request

  • Name, address and contact details of person requesting information
  • Specific details of document/information being requested
  • Time frame in which information is required and reason for any specific deadlines
  • If request is for a sign language interpreter please specify full details of event/meeting.

In cases where the person making the request is unable to complete the request in writing, the assisting staff member should complete same on their behalf.

Receipt of Requests

Any further queries or complaints regarding non-compliance with this procedure should be forwarded to:

Helen Purcell

Access Officer
Wicklow County Council
County Buildings
Wicklow Town
Co. Wicklow

Phone: (0404) 20100

  • All requests received by staff members should be forwarded by internal post to the Enterprise and Corporate Services
  • All requests will be acknowledged within seven working days of receipt of same and will be dealt with within 21 working days of receipt of same
  • Where a delay in providing information exists, the person making the request will be made aware of a date in which they can expect to receive the information
  • Where necessary, reasons for not being able to provide information requested will be explained fully in writing to person making request