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Arklow Town Team

Information about the new Arklow Town Team, which was established in 2017.

Arklow Town Team

More towns and cities are increasingly looking at co-operative approaches and ways to ensure the survival of their town. Several are looking at the Business Improvement District Scheme (BIDS) model and others are currently supported under the Town Team initiative by Retail Excellence Ireland.

In Arklow, a new Town Team has been established. This follows on from the launch of the promotional video last October entitled Arklow Municipal District - Making a Difference

One of the primary objectives of the Town Team initiative is to encourage more collaboration, communication and co-operation between the local authority and the business community. The Town Team initiative will also identify building block projects that will positively impact economic performance for Arklow across several measures. The initiative will be in a position to access best practice and to learn from other towns and cities' positive experiences.

Part of the Town Team process will involve developing a draft action plan for Arklow and ensuring unity of message and strategy for the town – in essence, one voice from one team for the town. The draft action plan will set out priorities in areas such as infrastructure & public realm, marketing & promotion and business development.

The Cathaoirleach of Arklow Municipal District, Cllr Pat Kennedy, along with officials, identified a number of people to be part of this team, which comprises individuals with broad sector experience across many disciplines.

The first meeting of the Town Team was held on Tuesday 17 January 2017.

Cllr Kennedy said: “In October 2016, Arklow Municipal District launched a promotional video, Arklow Municipal District - Making a Difference, to help stimulate job growth and encourage inward investment into the area. The energy and enthusiasm in the room on that night was encouraging and the Arklow Municipal District decided to establish a Town Team for Arklow.

“The remit of the Team is to explore new possibilities for Arklow in order to nurture economic development and incentivise job creation along with improving the general lifestyle of the people within the Arklow Municipal District. The Town Team consists of community representatives, business leaders, council management and the Gardaí. By working together we can make a real difference for all within the Arklow Municipal District.”