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Read the Roads Programme 2017 and Transport Report for Bray Municipal District.

Roads Programme 2017

The Bray Municipal District 2017 Roads Programme is set out below.


Works Status

Church Hill, Enniskerry


Vevay Road


Glencree Road South, Crone


Rocky Valley Drive


Herbert Road, Glenwood


Herbert Road, Kilbride


Ballyorney-Enniskerry Road


Bray Footpaths Local

Footpath repairs in the Herbert Road, Fassaroe estate and Palermo area are completed. Repairs in the Bray town centre area commenced.

Bray Footpath Regional (public realm)

A section of footpath renewal at Church Hill Enniskerry has been completed

Military Road


Bray Road, Enniskerry




Roads Capital Works

New footpath works from the €120,000 capital footpath budget are yet to commence.

The council is awaiting the design of the final section of the Strand Road Cycle Scheme at the Aquarium. In the interim, the National Transport Authority (NTA) has agreed to fund the installation of flexible bollards to provide a safe cycle link between the two sections completed sections of the cycle scheme.

A contractor has been appointed to carry out the alterations to the Strand Road/Putland Road junction and the Putland Road contra-flow cycle section of the Strand Road Cycle Scheme. The traffic management of the works has yet to be agreed but it will necessitate significant traffic interruptions.

The stakeholder consultation and a preliminary plan for the Bray Dart Interchange have been concluded. The NTA and CIE have agreed that the scheme shall proceed to detailed design and be submitted for planning approval. CIE proposed that a Part 8 Planning Application would be made jointly for works on the station forecourt, which is in CIE ownership, and on the public road network.

Works to provide cycle facilities on the Bray Harbour Schools Access Scheme are well advanced with the section from Strand Road at Martello Terrace to the Harbour Bridge being substantially completed except for road markings and the installation of new lighting. Prices are to be sought shortly for completing section north of the harbour bridge.

Works for the new road junction onto the Dublin Road to service the new schools and the golf club lands are substantially completed. Schools are expected to open towards the end of November. Increased traffic delays on the Dublin Road are expected.


The new bridge on Calary Lane has been installed. Works for this year will finish shortly with the resurfacing of Calary Lane and the reopening of the lane to traffic. Since works on the R755 Calary Upper Realignment project commenced in 2016, approximately €350,000 of a LCSI grant has been spent on the scheme. Approximately the same funding is required to complete.

Funding of €25,000 has been allocated for Adelaide Road/Florence Road junction safety improvement works. The design and specification will be ready shortly for tendering this among a series of traffic calming works.

Traffic & Transport

Additional quotes are currently being sought for the upgrade of the Vevay Road/Putland Road traffic signals. Works have commenced for new pedestrian signals on the Upper Dargle Road at Fassaroe Estate and James Everett Park from the 2017 Realm funding.

The M11/N11 Corridor Study Needs Assessment Report was completed in April.

Public Realm Discretionary Funding

  • Footpath repair: works have commenced
  • Pedestrian signal upgrades: works have commenced at two pedestrian signals on the Upper Dargle Road
  • Traffic calming ramp repairs: works have been completed on ten speed tables in Bray.
  • Bray grass cutting supplement: ongoing

Liam Bourke BA BAI, Eur Ing, MIEI, CEng

Bray District Engineer