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Wicklow Town Team

Information about Wicklow Town Team, which is tasked with maximising the business, tourism and social potential of Wicklow Town.

Leitrim Place

The Local Economic Initiative Group, known as Wicklow Town Team, was set up by Wicklow Town & District Chamber. Their mission statement is to maximise the business, tourism and social potential of the area and to capitalise fully on the unique selling points of the location. The individuals who agreed to participate in the working group all live in Wicklow Town and share a strong common belief that this area has not been developed to its full potential. The group consists of members who have considerable international and national business experience in export, trade development, commercial development, financial & management services, tourism and local government.

The group has produced a report, Time To Kick Start Wicklow , outlining six principal areas for development.

  • Wicklow Town digital strategy
  • Greenway/Blueway
  • Park and Ride
  • Wicklow Town Public Realm and enhancing the visual appearance of our town
  • Historic Town Status/Heritage Site
  • Retail survey