Our Digital Strategy & Broadband Plan

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Digital Strategy

Wicklow’s Digital Strategy

The development of a digital strategy for Co. Wicklow commenced back in early 2018 when a steering group was formed along with four digital strategy working groups. Each working group is operating under one of the four main themes of the digital strategy; which are:

·        Digital Infrastructure;

·        Citizen Smart;

·        Digital Economy; and

·        Digital Council

The four working groups are charged with developing objectives and actions for the Digital Strategy Implementation Plan under their theme and contributing to the Digital Strategy Report. Wicklow’s Broadband Development Officer is coordinating the digital strategy through these working groups and the Department of Communications (Dept. CCAE) and their appointed consultants to deliver our local digital strategy.

A digital readiness assessment was completed in 2018, followed by training at national digital strategy workshops which led to the creation of guidelines for development of local digital strategies. These guidelines are helping to progress to report completion by laying out out a strategy roadmap.

A stakeholder engagement process has also been commenced and will include presentations and consultation with key focus groups and separate citizen and business surveys.

For more information on digital strategy for Co. Wicklow please contact the Broadband Development Officer at broadband@wicklowcoco.ie 

Wicklow's digital future is being mapped out - Press Release 24th Sept. 2018

A new Digital Strategy for Wicklow will enable a road map to be developed to transform communities of Wicklow, the local economy and local services through the use of technology.

Wicklow’s Digital Strategy – prepared by Wicklow County Council - will help facilitate broadband infrastructural development - in a way which is amicable to local communities and the environment - to ensure access to high speed broadband for all.

It will aim to enhance community engagement and collaboration and will achieve fully integrated digital services and information through a digitally transformed Local Authority.

As a first step towards the creation of a Digital Strategy, the Council has recently undertaken a Digital Readiness Assessment (DRA).

This assessment is based primarily on independent empirical evidence and internal Wicklow County Council facts and figures.  It gives an overview of Wicklow’s digital maturity, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses in this area.

Local Digital Assessments are structured around:

  • Digital Skills
  • Infrastructure
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Economy & Employment
  • Digital Services
  • Community & Culture
  • Digital Transition

Amongst the themes examined were levels of digital literacy, training, qualifications and use; availability and use of online local government resources and rates of ecommerce and innovation.

The information will help form objectives and an action plan for progression towards a digital transformed local authority, local services and communities.  It is part of a National Digital Strategy.

More information on the National Digital Strategy and Wicklow Digital Strategy can be found on the below links:


Related Documents

List of related documents

  1. Co. Wicklow Digital Readiness Assessment

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