The Sustainable Development Goals aim to create a just, equitable and inclusive model of sustainable development for everyone. Local government and civil society as well as member states played a role in their development by the UN. Their implementation aims to guide social, economic and environmental actions to achieve a sustainable future by 2030. Each of the 17 goals has its own set of targets and indicators with a total of 169 targets.

Wicklow County Council is delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals and supporting communities in buildings a more sustainable future at local level.
Wicklow County Council in partnership with the Public Partnership Network has developed a map to highlight how projects, actions and policies are delivering on meeting targets of the SDGs. This Map demonstrates the work being done in County Wicklow to deliver on the goals. Anyone or any group can list their action for sustainable develop using the form below.
Note: If your older browers do not support the map click here for a compatible version.