Customer Care

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Make an Enquiry or Complaint

Details of Wicklow County Council's formal complaints procedure.

Customer Complaints Procedure

We aim to provide an efficient, effective service in a courteous manner to all our Customers.  Every effort is made by our staff to ensure that services are delivered to the highest possible standard in a professional and courteous manner. There may be occasions when you feel that we have not achieved this aim and you may not be satisfied with the quality of service provided.  

Wicklow County Council’s complaints policy strives to deliver a positive outcome and a swift resolution to your complaint.

What is a Complaint?

There is a difference between making a complaint and reporting a fault or repair issue. If you are reporting a fault or repair issue, we endeavour to resolve it quickly and it will not be dealt with through the Complaints procedure.

A complaint is when you tell us you are not happy about the quality of a service we provide, such as:

  • When we do not deliver a satisfactory service 
  • When you receive a poor quality or below standard service 
  • When you are unhappy with the quality of service provided by a member of staff.

You can make a formal complaint in writing the following ways:

Online using the online customer comments/feedback form below

By letter, official complaint form, or email to:

Customer Services Manager,
Wicklow County Council,
County Buildings,
Wicklow Town
Co. Wicklow

Tel: 0404-20100


We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days. Your complaint may then be referred to the Senior Executive officer in the relevant Department/Section, who will examine it and respond to you within 20 working days. The responses will be issued in accordance with the guidelines under NALA Plain English. Plain English is a way of writing and presenting information that helps someone understand it the first time they read or hear it.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you may appeal the decision to the Senior Executive Officer, Enterprise & Corporate Services, within 10 working days of receiving the response. The Senior Executive Officer will examine the complaint and the response you received and make a decision on the appeal within 20 working days.

The areas excluded from our complaints policy are:

  • All formal appeals relating to decisions on planning applications.
  •  All appeals against decisions under Freedom of Information legislation.
  • All requests for Access to Information on the Environment
  • Complaints in relation breach of Ethics legislation or code of conduct in relation to Elected Members and/or Employees of Wicklow County Council should be forward directly to the Ethics Officer, Wicklow County Council.

Wicklow County Council as a statutory body is obliged to comply with the principles of natural justice and also the Data Privacy laws under GDPR therefore complaints regarding individuals within or outside the organisation must be carefully presented so as not to breach a person’s right to their good name, right to reply or their right to privacy regarding the circulation of data that could amount to a breach of those principles. WCC reserves the right to refuse to accept written complaints of this nature but will advise the complainant of the issues that need to be addressed for a complaint to be received. 

Office of the Ombudsman

If you remain unhappy with our response then you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is fair, independent, and free to use.

The Ombudsman will ask you for details of your complaint and a copy of this letter/email (our final response to your complaint).  The best way to contact the Ombudsman is by:

  • Clicking on the ‘Make A Complaint’ link at
  • Writing to: Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773 or 
  • Calling the Ombudsman on 01 639 5600 if you have any queries or if you need help making your complaint.

  • Wicklow County Council Comments/Feedback Form

  • This form is not for general enquiries. Please email for enquiries.

  • Comhairle Contae Chill Mhantáin Foirm Ráiteas/Aiseolas