Register of Electors

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Frequently asked questions about the Register of Electors
Am I on the Electoral Register?

To verify whether or not you are registered to vote go to  Alternatively you can contact The Register of Electors Office, Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Station Road, Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow. Email: Tel: 0404 20161. 

How do I register to vote?

To register to vote you must be 18 years of age or over on the day the register comes into force (15th February), and ordinarily resident at the address at which you wish to be registered. To apply, complete an application form and return to your local authority. Forms available at 

How often is the Electoral Register updated?

The Register is updated annually. A draft Register is compiled and published on the 1st November each year and is made available for inspection at local authority offices, garda stations, post offices and libraries up to 25th November. Through an extensive advertising campaign the public are invited to check the draft during this period to make sure that they are correctly registered. A claim to have a name/address amended, added or deleted can be made by completing an RFA1 form. The final register is then published on 1st February and comes into force on 15th February.

What happens if there is an election/referendum and I’m not on the Register?

If you are not on the current Register of Electors you may apply to go on a Supplement to the Register. You must be 18 years of age (a person will be eligible for entry in the supplement on or after the day on which the person reaches 18 including such day that falls within the period beginning on the last day for receipt of applications and ending on polling day) and ordinarily resident at the address at which you wish to be registered.

I’ve moved address since the last Register and want to register at my new address - how do I go about it?

If you are on the current Register of Electors and move residence from one constituency to another or within constituency (different local electoral area) you may apply to go on the Supplement. You must be 18 years of age (a person will be eligible for entry in the supplement on or after the day on which the person reaches 18 including such day that falls within the period beginning on the last day for receipt of applications and ending on polling day) and ordinarily resident at the address at which you wish to be registered.

Who is entitled to register as a postal voter?

The following categories of persons may apply for registration as postal voters: members of the Gardai, persons living at home who are unable to go to a polling station to vote because of a physical illness or disability; and persons whose occupations are likely to prevent them from voting at their local polling station on election day, including full-time students registered at home who are living elsewhere while attending an educational institution in the State. Additionally, an elector unable to vote at their polling station due to their detention in a prison pursuant to an order of a court may apply for registration as a postal voter. In addition wholetime members of the Defence Forces and Irish Diplomats posted abroad and their spouses are registered as postal voters.

To be included on the postal voters list applications must be received by at least 22 days before polling day (not including Sundays, Good Friday or Public Holidays).

To apply for a postal vote download the relevant form at: 

What is the closing date for postal application forms for the Supplement in the case of an election/referendum during the year?

Two days after election/referendum date has been announced.

I will be out of the country on holidays for the next election - can I register as a postal voter?

No. The following categories of persons may apply for registration as postal voters: members of the Gardai, persons living at home who are unable to go to a polling station to vote because of a physical illness or disability; persons whose occupations are likely to prevent them from voting at their local polling station on election day, including full-time students registered at home who are living elsewhere while attending an educational institution in the State. Additionally, an elector unable to vote at their polling station due to their detention in a prison pursuant to an order of a court may apply for registration as a postal voter.

What is the Special Voters List?

The Special Voters list comprises the names of those electors with a physical illness/disability living in hospitals, nursing homes or similar institutions who wish to vote at these locations. The closing date for receipt of applications is 25th November.

I’m registered in Wicklow but will be in Offaly on the day of the election - can I register in Offaly as well?

No. You can be registered at one address only, but you may be entitled to be registered as a postal voter depending on your circumstances.

What is the Supplement to the Register?

A supplement to the register is compiled in advance of an election or referendum. It contains the names of qualified electors omitted from the final register, those qualified electors who have changed residence and those who have turned 18 years of age.

What is the criteria for a Supplement Application Form?

As per application for an Ordinary Register but the applicant must also have the back of the form stamped at their local Garda Station or be witnessed at the applicant’s local authority office. Alternatively, the application form can be accompanied by a medical certificate if the person due to illness/disability is unable to attend either Garda station or local authority office.

What is the closing date for receipt of Supplement Application forms?

14 days (Sundays and Bank Holidays excepted) before polling day.

I want my housemate's name deleted from the register as he/she has moved address - what do I do?

You need to complete an RFA1 form (Claim for Correction in Draft Register of Electors).

Who can vote in the General Election/Referendum/Local Election?
  • Irish citizens may vote at every election and referendum
  • British citizens may vote at Dáil and local elections
  • Other EU citizens may vote at European and local elections
  • Non-EU citizens may vote at local elections only
Who do I return the applications form to?

If you are ordinarily resident in the administrative area of Wicklow County Council, forms should be returned to Franchise Section, County Buildings, Wicklow.

What is the Edited Register?

From 2004, Wicklow County Council has published two versions of the register – the edited register and the full register. The Edited Register contains the names and addresses of persons who have allowed their personal details to be used for a purpose other than electoral or other statutory use, eg for direct marketing use by a commercial or other organisation.