Tidy Towns groups have been preserving and enhancing the local environment for the past five decades. Almost every town in Ireland has benefited from the actions of local volunteers over the years.
For more information see Tidy Towns , Citizens Information and National Spring Clean
Volunteering with your local committee
Whatever your skills or interests, your local Tidy Towns committee will have a project that you can get involved in to assist in the development of your community. Contact the members of your local committee or watch the local press to find out what is happening in your community. If you want to contact your local group but do not have the contact details, contact the Environmental Awareness Office (contact information below).
Wicklow County Council services for Tidy Towns
Wicklow County Council works with Tidy Towns groups across a range of services including the Area Offices, Community and Enterprise, the Heritage Office and the Environmental Awareness Office. We aim to provide the best available advice and information to local groups either from our services or through referral to the most appropriate source of information.
The Environmental Awareness Office provides talks or workshops in local communities. Wicklow County Council would like to see the 34 Tidy Towns groups have more opportunities to interact and share ideas. Workshops have been organised for representatives of local groups. If you would like a specific theme addressed through a workshop please let us know.
Wicklow County Council is also facilitating contact between groups through email contact lists so groups can answer questions from other groups.
The Council's area engineers directly help Tidy Towns committees and residents' associations by way of street cleaning and footpath renewal, but the Council also tries to channel money direct to these organisations in two ways:
- A Tidy Estates/Main Street competition is run annually
- Wicklow County Council also offer a Tree Planting Grant scheme to these organisations whereby we give a grant of at least 50% towards the cost of planting deciduous trees, but not shrubs or flowers
In deciding the amount of grant, the all-in cost is taken into account, which would include the cost of the trees, stakes and ties, but not the cost of planting if a private contractor is used.
For information on your nearest Tidy Towns group contact:
Environmental Awareness Office
Lo-call: 1890 22 22 76
Email: eao@wicklowcoco.ie